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A Mindful Approach to Fine Art Nature Photography


The Power of Mindful Observation

When I was 14, my dad gifted me a camera and I began to visually capture my utter fascination with nature. Ten years later the winds blew me to Chicago, IL as part of a job transfer, I had applied for during my 20 year corporate career with a German Industrial Conglomerate. 

Consciously spending time in nature changes your nature of being. According to Zen, the only life we have is that which is found in the present. Everything else is memory or anticipation.

We must be awake and conscious to really live, and truly sensitive to the unique visual offerings around us. Seeing mindfully is seeing deeply with your heart. This realization led me to depart my business career in 1999 and pursue the unrelated and adventurous path of nature landscape photography. 

A quiet mind is able to respond and convey the intuitive and spontaneous reactions of our inner being as it responds to the awesome beauty and wonder of nature and life. This is what is called ‘feeling’. This can be expressed in a fraction of a second through expressive landscape fine art nature photography. 

By approaching each photographed subject with reverence and presence, I hope to convey the energy of the moment in its most authentic and non-homogenized fashion. I view my landscape nature photography as a timeless imprint of a mindful meditation each time a photograph is created. A reflection of an inner process that distills millions of years of evolution into a split second, while conveying the aesthetic appeal conceived by the conscious eye. Outstanding nature photographers carry a responsibility to possess that degree of sensibility.

Bringing Calm and Serenity into your Space

Nature is a miraculous, wondrous and healing environment. It provides facets of boundless beauty and harmony in their most essential and perfect forms and endless manifestations. Allowing oneself to see, to truly see and perceive the miracles which the natural world provides us with each moment and each season, is a direct manifestation of the miraculous world we all live in. It also attests to the degree of our awareness and mindfulness.

Nature photographers explore different terrains, never-ending bouquets of colors, shapes, and convergence of light, shadow and other elements, provide a wonderfully rich visual playground. When coupled with my appreciation for aesthetics, architecture, art, design as well as a profound fascination with life, being in a forest, desert or the mountains, is like being a kid in a candy store.

A truly mindful approach to fine art nature photography entails breaking through involuntarily acquired stereotyped and habitual perception. Outstanding nature photographers place continuous attention to the first phase of perception, when the mind is receptive rather than reactive, which offers unexpected views of familiar objects that encourage open-mindedness and inspiration.

Extraction of intricacies and energies that shape complex yet harmonious arrangements from the ‘obvious’ is what I wish to convey with my nature landscape photography. It conveys my interpretation of the natural environment and its vibrant magnificence. For those who understand beyond understanding, who see beyond seeing, the ceaseless process of nature and life’s evolution is everywhere, enriching everything. 

Choose from a variety of options

Step into a world of tranquility and wonder and truly explore  the shown samples of my fine art nature photography. The goal of my Zen-inspired approach to landscape nature photography is meant to reveal the hidden harmonies and intricate details that often go unnoticed in our fast-paced world.

As you explore, you will discover a unique perspective on the natural world. Each image is carefully crafted to evoke a sense of peace and contemplation, making them perfect as wall art for your home or office. This kind of fine art nature photography transcends mere representation, offering a window into the soul of nature and inviting viewers to pause and reflect on the beauty that surrounds us. 

My landscape nature photography is rooted in a mindful, balanced, and meditative approach to seeing and interpreting the world. These timeless images serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the profound beauty that exists in every corner of our planet.

I am working on the site's feature which will provide you various purchasing options for my fine art nature photography. If I may be of assistance for your interior design or other landscape nature photography project in the meantime, please contact me.


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